Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Miracle in the Making

So hows it going? How has your week been ? Anything exciting going on ? There hasn't been a ton of exciting stuff going on here. We had conference on the weekend which was really good. I enjoyed the priesthood session. One of my favorite talks from all the sessions was from some guy named like marvin arnold or something? It was legit. So I thought I would tell you a little bit about our investigator named Craig. So about 5 weeks ago, like the first week of the transfer, we were checking on this less active lady in these apartment complexes. My last companion didn't ever want to tract them because he said they had already been done over and over. So im like well I have a new companion now so lets just knock a few doors. We chose this one complex. No one answered except craig. He just barely opened the door and kind of stuck his head out and was just like what who are you like the usual. We did our approach and invited ourselves to come in. He stood there for a second in silence and said alright .... come in. Ofcourse I was still lacking faith and thought well this is probably just another one of those nice people who will let us in for a few minutes then never be able to contact them again. Well we taught him for about a half hour and he had some very good questions. We scheduled a return appointment for the next week...and he was there !!! Thats always a good sign. That same week he came to an elders quorum activity as well as church. Hes committed himself to live the word of wisdom without us even teaching him, he learned it from He has read all the way through first and second nephi and always has awesome questions for us. He has no religious background so everything is new to him. Hes still kind of skeptical , but I can see a change in him every time we teach him again. Since we first met him he said hes been having a hard time at work and just didn't ever really know what his bosses wanted him to do. We told him " Craig, pray for guidance and direction at work ! " So he did that night and has every night since. Yesterday he said " Its weird, the last few days at work ive actually went in knowing what im supposed to do, its been nice ! " We were like craig that is heavenly father answering your prayers !!! He was like well I don't know if its that or if im just getting the hang of it. He is progressing so much. We talked to him yesterday about baptism. He said when he finds an answer of wether or not its true, he wants to get baptized. Its amazing. The whole process from finding someone to teaching about baptism and so on is just an incredible experience I wish everyone could have. Its priceless. He is definatly a reason why im in this area with my companion. Transfers are next week. Its about 95% sure that im staying here again. I have some pics im gonna be sending you here in a couple minutes. Thanks for all that you guys do ! I love you guys !!