Sunday, September 11, 2011

Miracle at the Gas Station

Each week the missionaries write a letter to their mission president, and the mission president's wife posted Brendan's letter from last week on the mission blog, so I thought I would post it on his blog as well.

"Hey President! Last week I had the opportunity to go on exchange with the Centerville Zone leaders, Elders Peterson & Johnson. These missionaries are amazing. They teach well, they work hard, they are obedient, and they have such a strong desire to share the gospel! We had a miracle happen. We were driving down the road to go to an appointment. I looked out the window and saw a man walking towards the gas station and my first thought was, "Stop the car! Turn in there! We need to talk to him!" Elder Johnson was driving so he turned the car around and turned into the gas station. I quickly walked into the station and went up to the man and started to speak Twi. His name is Alfred. He’s from Ghana, just as I had suspected. His eyes opened up wide and he had a huge grin on his face. He was very familiar with LDS missionaries. He had been taught the lessons from the sister missionaries back in Ghana. He hasn't been here in Virginia very long but he loves the Mormon church! He came to church the next week and he loved it! He is scheduled to be baptized in two weeks. It’s amazing to see how the Lord works and how he puts people in our path. It would have been so easy to have kept driving down the road and never have talked to him. I am so grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord. Miracles happen all the time as long as we desire them and are willing to act on impressions! Love, Elder Davie"