Friday, February 19, 2010

Call It What You Want ...

February 8, 2010

So I am now living in Stafford, VA. I am in the Fredericksburg Zone. I am serving in the Garrisonville and Aquia (Uh-Kwy-Uh) ward. My comp is Elder Knowles (nulls) from Farmington. It has been a pretty good week, I am still trying to get used to the change. Elder Larochelle, my MTC roommate, is in my district so that is sweet! There are a lot of people, well a lot of missionaries, who are doubting us because we are young. Last week we scheduled one investigator for baptism for February 27th. Then we found a new investigator, taught her all three lessons, and she is going to be baptized on February 27th. We have a ton of people we're teaching and a ton of potentials. The last few days have been slow, it's snowed about 4 1/2 feet. I live with another companionship Elder Thompson and Elder Barnes. They are sweet. Elder Pomeray, my MTC comp, was living here but got transferred when I came down. We live in a townhouse. It's pretty big, 2 stories. It's old, but not too bad. Here is a crazy story for ya: Last night me and my comp and our roommates decided to go out and shovel snow around the neighborhood. It was snowing pretty bad outside. We walked about 2 miles and shoveled some less active homes. it was about 8:00 so we decided to head home. There was probably about a foot of snow on the roads. So we're walking and me and Elder Thompson were like 10 feet ahead of Elder Knowles & Barnes. All of a sudden I hear Elder Knowles yell "Oh S***. Barnes get out of the way!!!" I look back and see this truck going about 40 mph and fishtailing. Me and Elder Thompson got out of the way, but Elder Barnes got hit. The truck hit him, knocked him down, and ran over his leg. The driver stops obviously, jumps out and is panicing. He was an older guy from Peru. Call this what you want, but after a couple of minutes Elder Barnes stood up. They gave him a ride home. He woke up in the morning and is just fine, no pain at all! That is insane, huh? It was crazy! We called President Albright to let him know. It was pretty intense to see it happen. It's snowing really bad today which is why I wasn't able to email. That's pretty much what's going on down here. Church has been cancelled the last three weeks because of snow. I live close to the Quantico Marine base, there are a ton of military people in this area. Well tell me what's going on with you guys! I haven't gotten any letters in the last couple of weeks. Well, I got one from Nate I think. How are the kids? Split the ward yet? Is it snowing a ton there? Anything exciting going on? I miss Ashburn, but it's all good. Well, I gotta get going. I love you guys!

Elder Davie