Saturday, October 1, 2011

Busy Week!

Hey Everyone,

It's been a busy day! Conference was great as usual. I really loved the Priesthood session. It has been a good week for us. We had zone conferences all week so its nice to have it over with. They all went pretty well. Next week will be a little slower so it will be nice to get out in our area and knock on some doors! We have a return and report meeting on Thursday.....that's where all the new missionaries that came in come to the mission home and we do some training and then have a testimony meeting. Its fun. Then on Saturday me and my comp and a couple missionaries and President and Sister Albright are going to the Marriott ranch. Bill Marriott is the guy who owns all the Marriott hotels. He was an area seventy but recently got released. Every year he has this huge thing at his ranch where all these ambassadors and their family's from all around the world come for a bbq and stuff. We have to dress up in cowboy gear haha. I gotta go buy some wranglers and a plaid shirt! i found some boots in our apartment so i can wear those haha. It will be interesting! Well its late so I better go...I will try to write more tomorrow if we have time. Love you all!