Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cowboy BBQ

Hey Everyone,

How have you guys been? Hopefully its been a good week. I have had a really good week. Its been busy as usual. On Thursday we had our Return and Report meeting. This is where all the new missionaries come back together and we have a testimony meeting with them and do a little bit of training. I had the opportunity to talk about obedience for a few minutes. It was an awesome spirit filled meeting. Its fun to see how much the missionaries grow in such a short time. Then today we had so much fun! Me and 4 other missionaries went up to Elder Marriott's ranch in Hume, VA. Every year he has this bbq event. Ambassadors and diplomats from all around the world come and have a good time. Its a western theme. We had a station set up where we were teaching people how to rope. My companion is pretty good at it so for the past week during the day we get out and practice roping some fire hydrants haha. I'm no good at it but it was fun. This was such a fun experience for me to meet all these people from every where around the world and talk to them. We got there at about 10 and left at 3. They had a catered lunch which was awesome. I saw a few people from some of my previous wards so that was fun. And it was great to see the mccoys! They are the sweetest family. I wasn't expecting them to be there and then all the sudden I turned around and was like hey! I know them! My companion let me borrow his boots and then I had to go buy a pair of pants and a shirt. Then president had an extra cowboy hat I borrowed. It was interesting to get all dressed up like that haha! I think that was definitely a first for me. I had an awesome time though!! Definitely something I will always remember. I got to meet Elder Nash of the 70. Elder Carlson was also there. Well I love you guys so much!! I hope you're all doing well!!!