Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Email dated June 2, 2010

Hey mom How are you guys doing? Did you and Emily do anything fun? What were the results of the MRI? Im dying to hear ! This week has been really good for us. Last Monday we got a referral in a text. It was from church headquarters. His name is James Allison. He referred himself by requesting a Book of Mormon. We call him up and he tells us he's were like sweet were at walmart come meet us here ! So we gave him a Book of Mormon in the wal mart parking lot and talked with him for a few minutes. He has a truck and a cell phone and thats it. Hes probably in his early 50's. A couple days later we schedule a time to teach him. We taught him at the church. We gave him a tour of the church then sat down and taught the restoration. The lesson went pretty good. At the end I felt like we should invite him to be baptized. He accepted. He will be baptized on June 26th. We are having another lesson with him tonight so it should be fun. We have a couple solid potentials. The area is growing. Im happy here. I could finish my mission here. Bishop Garvin is absolutely amazing. He is one of the most influential people ive ever met. Theres something about him. I hope you guys can meet him one day. Our whole ward is amazing. I have formed some life long friendships here. Last Sunday we were in meetings with our bishop and ward mission was about starts at 12:30. Someone knocks on the door and its the bishops wife...she says " So and so just called and is sick and cant speak today." My heart did a couple backflips when I heard that. Bishop looks at us and smiles and says " Elders can you stay after the meeting for a second, I have an assignment for you" We only had to speak for 5 min which wasn't bad. I was nervous as all get up and was sweatin it up. I talked about dad. I felt impressed to. I talked about how the gospel can bring happiness. Then jsut bore a quick testimony. Then we go to Gospel Principles class. We walk in and the teacher (our ward mission leader) says " Elders I have to meet with the bishop for a couple min can you start the class " I was like ya sure. 25 min later he comes back ! It went ok though, just have to get the class involved and ask questions . It was a stressfull day though. One of those mentally draining days. I wish I could speak without freaking out. Oh well though. Well that was my week ! Oh ya, there was an insane lightning and thunder storm last week. Ive never seen and heard lightening and thunder like that before. It was nuts ! Its been extremely hot here. I love you guys !!! Hope your all having a great time in Utah !!! Stay happy !! Love you !! Elder Davie

P.S. The picture was taken at the Reids house. They are a part member family. We go there and eat there quite often. We were having spaghetti so sis reid made us wear bibs so we didn't get our shirts dirty haha. It was hilarious ! Love ya guys !