Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Email dated May 26, 2010

Hey Mom ! Hows it going? That is awesome that Emily is coming into town today ! I was wondering when she was coming ! This last week has been pretty good for the most part. We had interviews with President last Thursday which is also a treat. We don't get long with him but its so nice to sit down and talk. Then on Friday we went and visited a few people. Saturday we had a barbecue at Bro Randalls house. It was fun ! Sunday went really well. They have "Family Weekends" here once a month which means no meetings except for the 3 hour block. We still met with out bishop to go over some needs of the area. It was good. Then we had District meetings on Monday. I gave a lesson on " The Dangers of Counterfeiting the Spirit" . Then yesterday we did alot of tracting. We also had dinner at the Mccartys. She is being induced today, im so excited for them. We have got to know them really well, its been fun. I will send you pics of the little baby when I get some. I gave sis mccarty a priesthood blessing about a week ago because she was struggling with the pregnancy. A couple days ago when we saw them again she told me that I said some things that really hit her and she was thankfull for it. I don't tell you that to boast, but it was a testimony builder for me and it strengthened me. It is a good feeling to know that you have an impact on people. Today we have a zone activity. We are going down to some park and having a barbecue and playing "games"....boring. :) So me and my roomates and my comp are leaving early ....guess why? .....Were going to the Quantico Marine Base to go check out the FBI Academy !!! Sweet huh?! Theres a member of our roomates ward whos in the FBI and hes gonna take us in and show us the academy where members of the FBI train for missions and what not. Im excited. We have had a good week. I have to do District meetings next week....That means I have to conduct and prepare not looking forward to it but it will be a growing experience. I better not be a district leader next transfer....that would be bad news. :) Well mom I love you. The other day at lunch I was laying on my bed just pondering . I felt the warmest gratitude for my family. You nate ash em brandon dave austy and dal. Im gratefull for you guys. I love you guys !!! I hope you all have a safe week !!! God be with you till meet again :) Love you mom