Thursday, October 15, 2009

Farewell Talk

Brothers and sisters, Aloha! I have never been to Hawaii nor am I serving there on my mission but I have always wanted to do that. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Brendan Davie. I have lived in Daybreak for about 3 years. While living in the same house I have been in 3 different words and 2 different stakes. Needless to say I don’t know a lot of people from the ward. I have been called to serve in the Washington DC South Mission. I will be reporting to the MTC on October 21st. While opening my mission call and finding out where I would be serving the next thing I immediately looked at was what language I would be speaking. The lord must have known about my attendance of summer school and knew learning a second language might not be a great idea. Thankfully I will be teaching the gospel in English. I am scared and feel inadequate to accomplish the things that come with serving a full time mission, but I know that if I do the things the lord would have me do, then he will bless me and help strengthen me in times of need.

Today is a very emotional day for me. For the past couple years I have been facing some difficult trials in my life. They were trials that came because of my own decisions. In September of 2006 I had received a mission call to serve in Columbus Ohio. I was scheduled to leave December 13th. I got all my stuff ready, bought my suits, bought my bike, and was all ready for my farewell talk. The only problem is I hadn’t been true with my leaders and with the lord. I had things I needed to work out and had I left without doing so, I wouldn’t have had the spirit with me. I can still remember December 13th as if it were yesterday. I was supposed to be entering the MTC but instead I was starting a long process and aiming for the goal of leaving in a few months. Little did I know this would be a much longer process than I had originally anticipated. Months went by and I still wasn’t ready to serve. I was struggling to keep my testimony and constantly falling into Satan’s will. I remember times of having no desire to wake up for church, no desire to read the scriptures or to pray. I was lost and I hadn’t realized it. I was focusing on other things to try and make me happy but I quickly learned that it didn’t work that way. Every time someone would talk to me about serving a mission I would get a pit in my stomach. It seemed as though I would think about it from the second I woke up until the last minute before I went to bed. The problem is that I didn’t make the necessary changes in my life to overcome the obstacles that stood between me and a mission. It seemed so easy but I couldn’t do it and felt like it was an impossible goal.

Last March I felt like I had hit rock bottom. I got to the point where I had to decide what direction I would go in my life. I could continue in the things that I was doing or I could make some changes and invite the spirit to dwell with me once again. It had been about 2 years since I had partaken of the sacrament. I just remember feeling lost and not sure where to get the strength to press forward. I was trying to fight through these times on my own which was a huge mistake. Why would the lord want to spend time helping me when I had forgotten him? Do I really want to make these changes and is it going to be worth it in the end? Or rather is it even possible to reach my goal? These are just a few of the questions that were in my mind at that point. It had been a while since I had met with the bishop. It seemed as if it was at that exact moment that my phone rang. When I realized who was calling I knew immediately what he wanted. We proceeded to set up a time to meet with bishop. I still remember how loving and compassionate bishop was when I told him of my thoughts and problems. He motivated me to start fresh and to help get me to where I had long wanted to be. That was to serve a mission.

That night I remember kneeling on my knees, pleading with the lord to help me. I knew I couldn’t do this on my own as I had selfishly thought before. I pleaded with him to give me the strength to talk with my mom. I was scared to talk to her. I remember initiating that conversation with her. I remember my mom embracing me as we cried together. She was the strength and motivation that I didn’t have. It was that night that I promised to give every effort to become the person I once was.

I tell you of these times in my life because I was asked to speak on experiences I have had that led me to want to serve a mission. Crazy enough this major trial in my life has helped me grow more than I could ever imagine.

My family has played a huge role in helping me get here today. We learn that families are central to the Creators plan for the eternal destiny of His children. We were put into families so that we could learn the gospel together, So that we could mourn together and enjoy happiness together. My family has helped me so much in my life. Through them I have been able to be made whole again.

When I was 18 my brother was serving a mission in California. Through the approval of his president, I was able to go down to where he was and spend a day with him. I got there that night around 9. They did their nightly duties as I ate and unpacked my stuff. The next morning we were wide awake at 6:30 and were ready to start off the day. I don’t remember everything that happened that day, but I will never forget what happened when they had me knock on my first door. I was prepared to face whatever came my way, well at least at the time I thought I was. As an elderly lady cracked open the door my brother proceeded to talk to her about the Restoration. It was at that moment that I began to experience my first door rejection. I remember walking swiftly down the street as she was still screaming at us. My brother and his companion held their composure until we turned the corner after which they started laughing hysterically at me. That was enough to scare me. This is an experience that will stick with me for the rest of my life. It was a wonderful opportunity to see my brother teach the gospel first hand. He has always been an example to me in my life and has taught me how to honor my priesthood.

One person in my family I would like to talk about for a second is my mom. She has been the greatest example to me. I am proud to admit that I have been labeled in the past as a mommas boy. I have always believed that we grow and learn best from the examples of those around us. She never lost faith in me, even when I lost all faith in myself. She has continued to hold strong to the rod and continually lead our family to eternal happiness. Being a single mom is not an easy task, especially when you have to put up with me. She has always shown unconditional love. I am forever grateful for her strength that she has exemplified. Me and my mom have had the opportunity of attending the new Oquiirh Mountain Temple every week for the past couple months. This has strengthened not only our bond as mother and son, but has strengthened my testimony.

The second thing that has helped me to prepare for a mission is immersing myself in the scriptures. We are told that if we have faith and keep the commandments of god, that he will unveil the mysteries of his kingdom. What a remarkable promise. I have seen an added measure of the spirit in my life as I had made a greater effort to get to know our Savior through the scriptures. My ability to overcome temptation and to keep the commandments of God has been strengthened. 1 Nephi 9: 5 is a great example of faith and diligence. “Wherefore, the lord hath commanded me to make these plates for a wise purpose in him, which purpose I know not.” Nephi had no idea the impact the records would have on us today but he followed the commandments of the lord and kept the records anyway. What an amazing day it is going to be when we will have the opportunity to thank these ancient prophets for the things they did for us. I am so grateful for the scriptures and the effect they have had in my life. We can learn so much from the experiences of those who lived before us. I know that we can not only learn from the adversity of the prophets of old, but we also learn from our own adversity. Some of us sometimes wonder, Why me? I know this was a common thought in my mind the last couple years. Helaman 12:3 says “And thus we see that except the Lord doth chasten his people with many afflictions, yea, except he doth visit them with death and with terror, and with famine and with all manner of pestilence, they will not remember him.” We are given these trials so that we will constantly remember him and come unto him. It took me a while to grasp this concept.

As I mentioned before, the biggest impact on my life has been the examples of the people around me. I have been blessed with amazing friends. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to work where I have the last 2 and a half years. The people there have encouraged me and uplifted me every single day. They have become my 2nd family. I have been strengthened by learning of the examples of those taught in the scriptures.

Ammon taught others the gospel simply by being an example to his peers and by performing acts of service. It was because of the selfless things of Ammon that King Lamoni and many of his people received the gospel in their lives.

Joseph Smith was also a huge example in the way he lived his life. Very few could endure the persecution that he went through. Without his courage and determination we wouldn’t have the gospel on this earth again.

Jesus Christ was the ultimate example to us. In 3 Nephi 27:21 Jesus tells us “Verily verily I say unto you this is my gospel and ye know the things that ye must do in my church for the works which ye have seen me do…. “ He has laid down the footprints for how we should live our lives. Our goal is to become like him so that eventually we can live with him. Sometimes it’s hard to imagine trying to become like our Savior because he was perfect. Our perception of perfect is to have no flaws. I think a better definition is to be constantly improving. If we are constantly improving in our lives, then we will one day become like our savior. Marvin J. Ashton said “the speed with which we head along the straight and narrow path isn’t as important as the direction were heading.” We should be constantly striving to keep our lives in line with the gospel so what we are always heading the right direction.

When brother McCoy asked me to speak on experiences I’ve had that had led me to have a desire to serve a full time mission I had multiple thoughts come into mind. I wasn’t sure exactly what I would speak on. I thought about scripture study and how I have grown both spiritually and mentally. I thought about the examples of my family and friends who encouraged me every day to become a better person and achieve my goals. The thing that ultimately led me to stand here today as I prepare to leave is the power of the Atonement. To a degree I felt that awful feeling of guilt and remorse as Alma did. We are promised that if we will repent of our sins and come unto Him, he will remember our sins no more. Although it would be nice if we could also erase them from our memory, through the atonement we can forget them emotionally and spiritually. We can be stripped of the guilt and pain that we once felt.

Not only did the savior suffer for our sins, but he suffered through every temptation and every struggle. He knows exactly what we are going through. In order to receive the blessings that come from the atonement, we must first repent of our sins. Godly sorrow is what leads to repentance. Paul teaches of godly sorrow in 2 Corinthians. He says “Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation. Alma also talked of his sorrow he felt as he was harrowed up in the memory of his sins. What a remarkable story of his conversion which led to the baptizing of many people into the kingdom of god. We see time and time again in the book of Mormon the devastating effects our agency can have on our families. We have also seen the mercy and grace of god as these brethren were converted unto the lord. President Benson stated that “the Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. . . . The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment.” It is so important that we become truly converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ so that we can live with Him again.. D&C 19 16-19 reads “For behold, I god have suffered these things for all that they might not suffer if they would repent. But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I. Which suffering caused myself, even god, the greatest of all to tremble because of pain and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit and would that I might not drink the bitter cup and shrink.”

It pains me to know of the things I have put our savior through. The spiritual and physical pain I have felt in my life is but a grain of sand compared to the things the savior experienced. It is an amazing and selfless act for him to ultimately sacrifice his life so that we could live with him again. I am so grateful for this sacrifice and have seen the affects of it in my own life.

It is so important that we live our lives in a way that will let the spirit into our hearts. The Preach My Gospel book that is used by all the missionaries talks a lot about have the spirit with you. It is not us that penetrates the hearts of those we are teaching, but it is the holy ghost who will testify to them. Elder Russel M. Ballard said “True conversion comes through the power of the spirit. When the spirit touches the heart, hearts are changed. When individuals feel the spirit working with them, or when they see the evidence of the Lord’s love and mercy in their lives, they are edified and strengthened spiritually and their faith in him increases. These experiences with the Spirit follow naturally when a person is willing to experiment upon the word. This is how we come to feel the gospel is true.” As I was thinking about experiences I might have as I teach the gospel, I was comforted as I read the scripture in D&C 84:85 “ Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say; but treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man.” This is why its so important to be living worthy and doing the things the lord would want us doing. This is why missionaries focus so much on prayer so they can invite the spirit to be with them in all things and in all places.

I would like to conclude with a quote from President Hinckley “Every morning missionaries should get on their knees and plead with the lord to loosen their tongues and speak through them to the blessing of those they will be teaching. If they will do this, a new light will come into their lives. There will be greater enthusiasm for the work. They will come to know that in a very real sense, they are servants of the lord speaking in His behalf. They will find a different response from those they teach. As they do so by the spirit, their investigators will respond under the influence of the same spirit. “

It is my goal that as I serve the people of Washington DC that I can share with them the same happiness that I have felt in my life as I have strived to come closer to god and to feel of his overwhelming spirit.