Thursday, October 29, 2009

Missionary Life Feels Normal

"We had a devotional tonight and L Tom Perry was the speaker. It was really good! Thanks for all of the letters and packages. It's much appreciated! I wish I could write everyone individual letters but I'm short on time, so dispense the letters! I miss Dallin and "Austy" like crazy!!! I feel like I haven't seen them for a year and it's only been a week! What else is new with me? I can't wait until I can do my laundry on Thursday! I'm almost out of clothes! It will be nice to get new missionaries tomorrow so we can stop being the "new" guys. Thanks for the Tim Tams! It's weird here because missionary life just feels like normal life and hoem life just seems like it's been gone forever. It's weird but cool I guess. It really feels like I've been gone forever. We taught in the TRC which went ok, then taught a teacher later in the TEC and went horribly, so that was frustrating. I'm having a hard time keeping investigators interested in the message and applying the doctrine to their needs. BRT is easier said than done. Anyways I gotta go. Love you all very much!

Elder Davie"