Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Learning to Teach

Letter from Brendan, dated 10/24/2009

"I'm writing as often as I can and will try to answer some of your questions! My Branch Presidency is cool. They're a little intimidating, but that's to be expected. Things are going well. I am comfortable for the most part. Some of my fears have become extinct because of the spirit that is here. Tonight we went to the teacher evaluation center to teach the first lesson to a teacher who posed as an investigator. Ya we bombed it. Never have I felt so dumb. I wasn't nervous but we just didn't connect with her and have the spirit with us. It was very frustrating but I guess life goegs on. Not sure if I told you but one of the elders in our dorm got swine flu. He is now in quarantine and our district was given tamiflu. Who won the BYU game? I could hear it but don't know the outcome. Tomorrow is Sunday which should be interesting since there are a lot of meetings. Hopefully I can see Dennis and Kim. I think that is all the new info. We found out that 6 other elders are also going to the Washington DC South mission, but they're in another district. I need to get going and prepare a talk about patience. They pick on random missionaries to give a talk during sacrament. Hopefully they don't choose me! Pray for me, on Tuesday we teach again to a visitor who acts as an investigator, and they tape you then critique you. That should be a blast. I love you all! I'm still waiting to wake up from a very weird dream :)

Elder Davie"