Thursday, November 5, 2009

Officially Sick

October 31, 2009

How are you guys? Just as I expected, today was VERY long. I think I am officially sick, but don't want to say anything because I don't want to go to quarantine. I will lose out on too much. So I'm just dealing with it which isn't fun. My alarm clock fell off my bed and broe so I bought a new one at the bookstore for like three bucks. How's Emily's new job? Tell her thanks for the letter! So what did you guys do this weekend? I forgot it was the weekend. All the days just blend together. We started teaching the plan of salvation today. It was rough! Help Nate!! Did you use visuals? Any ideas? Keep draining those 3's Nate! I used to play ball at gym here, but they get way too serious. So I now play 4 square which sounds childish, but it is good times! Tomorrow night after our fireside we get to watch the Joseph movie. Should be fun. Also tomorrow me and my comp get to teach our district for 10 minutes on why we need prophets. Piece of cake! There's one elder in our district who loves to call me Mr Clean because I am going bald. He said the glare of my head blinds him during class. It's hillarious. Me and him get along the best so its fun. He is going to South Dakota though. Anyways, don't forget to change your clocks! I love you guys!
Elder Davie